Can We Talk About That?

November 8, 2009

The Noticer

Filed under: Blogroll — canwetalkaboutthat @ 10:40 AM

I am a noticer,” he said. “It is my gift. While others may be able to sing well or run fast, I notice things that other people overlook. And, you know, most of them are in plain sight.”

The Noticer, by Andy Andrews, is a wonderful and rewarding book. An elder man named Jones, whose character reminds me of Jesus, has the knack for showing up in a small Alabama town just when he is needed most. He notices things about situations and people that produce perspective for them. That’s what most folks lack—perspective—a broader view. So Jones helps them to see that broader view . . .”

An inspiring read, The Noticer, will stir and challenge its reader to contemplate what the effect would be in their community if they decided to notice and befriend fellow community members—especially those who look to be in need or those that others seem to avoid—without any thought for personal reward, on a regular basis.

Reviewed by Marilyn Magallanes, Book Review Blogger, for Thomas Nelson:


  1. I notice things that are overlooked as well. What am I overlooking here? Does God know?I am certain. Are you sure? I do not think so. God is an ever present ever conscious In us all albeit and if you think you know God you have only just begun to fathom the all encompassing presence that our being exists within. It is so oftentimes, that we get so full of ourselves and think that God exists within a book that we loose sight on the fact that God will never and i repeat NEVER be fathomed in an infinity times infinity of books. Keep seeking you (we almost have it within our grasp) you seekers you….God will always move one step ahead of you and will judge your thoughts as you will almost certainly JUDGE….Good Luck or God Luck sincerely Dale Crenshaw

    Comment by Dale — December 21, 2009 @ 2:18 AM

    • “Seek and ye shall find…” Saved, ‘filled’ (and one day He Is gonna call my name) ‘sanctified.’ I am certain Dale. Thank you for the comment. Love you, old friend — God bless. xxx

      Comment by Marilyn Magallanes — December 23, 2009 @ 11:57 PM

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